Module 7 - Climate Change - Energy-related Activities


7.29 What percentage of your total operational spend in the reporting year was on energy?

In order to respond to this question, you will need figures for both your Total Operational Spend and for the Total Energy Spend. Scope 5 can provide the Total Energy Spend if you have been tracking all costs of energy related activity in Scope 5. Assuming you have been doing so, here's how to get the total energy spend:

1. From the top level of the Node Navigator, select Distribution Reports.

2. Click Add a New Report.

3. In the tracker selection pane, choose the appropriate consolidation method under the Control Boundaries filter.

4. In the tracker selection pane: 

  • Under the Resource Types filter box, choose Electricity, Mobile Combustion and Stationary Combustion. If Heat, Steam or Cooling are used by your organization, select those as well (assuming your resource libraries are organized by these categories. Make sure to click on Apply Filters.
  • Under the GHG Scopes tracker filter box, select Scope 1 and Scope 2. Click Apply Filters.

5. Enter the first and last days of the reporting year in the Start Date and End Date fields, respectively.

6. Under Data Columns, select Cost for the first select box.

7. All other select boxes in the Report Columns section should be set to - none -.

8. In the Display Options section, set Primary Grouping to – All Trackers–  and Secondary Grouping to Resource Type.

9. Name and title the report as appropriate (in the Labeling section), then click Generate Report.

10. Be sure to verify that there are no unexpected exclusions.

11. Results will be presented in a separate row for each activity type.

12. The total energy spend, shown at the bottom of the report, is the sum of the costs from the Electricity row, the Stationary Combustion row and the Mobile Combustion row. image6.png

13. If your account is configured with different resource types, you will need to decide which resource (or activity) types should be included in energy spend and which should not. 

14. If your account is configured with different resource types and there is no obvious way to decide whether one or another resource type should or should not be included in energy spend, you may have to run a report by Resource rather than Resource Type (change the Secondary Grouping in step 8). This will give you a finer grain breakdown of costs by activity so that you can then decide which contribute to energy spend and which do not. Please contact us for help.

15. Before extracting any cost numbers from the summary rows of the report, click the Expand All link just above the report table in the right corner. This will fully expand the table so that you can verify that each tracker has a non-zero value in the cost column. If one or more trackers show a blank or zero in the cost column, then either cost is not being tracked for that resource or the resource tracked by that tracker is free. This may mean that the resulting total energy spend is incomplete.


7.30.1 Report your organization's energy consumption totals (excluding feedstocks) in MWh.

In order to respond to this question, you will need to be tracking energy for all relevant activities (see 7.29 for a discussion of which activities are relevant). The resources used to track fuels will need to have an energy conversion factor defined in order to track energy. If these are not defined in a standard resource you’re using, contact us and we’ll get them for you.

Note: If your organization consumes energy from renewable sources, consider tagging every energy-type tracker as either Renewable or Non-renewable. Then, generate two reports to answer this question: one report for the renewable sources and one report for the non-renewable sources. For each report, follow the instructions as described for 7.30.1, but change the Primary Grouping from None to Resource Type and the Secondary Grouping to Tag Group: Renewable vs. Non-Renewable. Please contact us for further help.

1. Follow steps 1-5 above in 7.29. 

2. Under Data Columns, select Energy for the first select box.

3. All other select boxes in the Data Columns section should be set to - none -.

4. In the Display Options section, set Primary Grouping to None and Secondary Grouping to Resource Type.

5. Name and title the report as appropriate (in the Labeling section), then click Generate Report.

6. Be sure to verify that there are no unexpected exclusions.

7. Results will be presented in a separate row for each activity type. In a typical account configuration, activity types will include: Electricity, Stationary Combustion, Mobile Combustion and possibly Fugitive Emissions. Your account configuration may differ.


8. In the typical account example, the results for the different Resource Types from the Scope 5 report will map to the responses for the questions as follows:

  • Stationary Combustion + Mobile Combustion => Fuel (the first row in the table of 7.30.1)
  • Electricity => Electricity (the second row in the table of 7.30.1)
  • If your organization purchases heat, steam and cooling (rows 3-5 in the table of 7.30.1), use the Selected EPA Hub Table standard library Heat and Steam resources and/or define a custom resource type of Purchased Cooling, Purchased Heat or Purchased Steam when you configure your resources. As a result, when you follow the steps above to generate a report for energy grouped by Resource Type, you will get a separate row for each of these and will be able to extract the numbers required for 7.30.1 directly from your Scope 5 report. Alternatively, you can use tags to create a tag group called (for example) Energy Category and then tags for each of the CDP energy categories from 7.30.1. You can then configure your report to group by the Energy Category tag group and the results will map directly to the CDP energy categories.
  • If your organization consumes self-generated, non-fuel renewable energy (row 6 in the table of 7.30.1), consider organizing custom resources of this type under a category titled Self-generated, Non-fuel Renewable Energy so that when you follow the steps listed above, energy consumption of this type will be listed separately (in the same fashion as Stationary Combustion, Mobile Combustion and Electricity).

9. If your account is atypical, there may be no obvious mapping from Resource Type to the categories defined for 7.30.1. In this case, you may have to run a report by Resource rather than Resource Type (change the Secondary Grouping). This will give you a finer grain breakdown of energy by activity. You can then decide how each of these map to the categories defined for 7.30.1. You'll then have to sum the energy results for each group of resource types outside of Scope 5.

10. Before extracting any energy numbers from the summary rows of the report, click the Expand All link just above the report table in the right corner. This will fully expand the table so that you can verify that each tracker has a non-zero value in the energy column. If one or more trackers show a blank or zero in the energy column, then either energy is not being tracked for that resource or the resource tracked by that tracker has no energy impact. This may mean that the resulting total energy number is incomplete.

11. Copy the energy totals from the Scope 5 report(s) to the MWh from renewable sources and MWh from non-renewable sources columns in the CDP table as appropriate (see header for details). If your organization consumes both renewable and non-renewable energy, sum the totals in each column outside of Scope 5 and enter that value into the Total MWh column of the table.


7.30.7 State how much fuel in MWh your organization has consumed (excluding feedstocks) by fuel type.

This question requires breaking down the response for the Fuel category total from 7.30.1 by individual fuel types.

1. Column 2: Heating value: Please note that most Scope 5 Standard libraries use HHV values to calculate energy content. Please refer to the resource library articles for details: TCR Library, EPA Hub Tables, CBECS Office Buildings. 

2. From the top level of the Node Navigator, select Distribution Reports.

3. Click Add a New Report.

4. In the tracker selection pane:

  • Under the Resource Types filter box, choose Mobile Combustion and Stationary Combustion.
  • Under the GHG Scopes tracker filter box, select Scope 1. Make sure to click Apply Filters.

5. Enter the first and last days of the reporting year in the Start Date and End Date fields, respectively.

6. Under Data Columns, select Energy for the first select box. For the units, select megawatt hour.

7. All other select boxes in the Data Columns section should be set to - none -.

8. In the Display Options section, set Primary Grouping to – All Trackers –  and Secondary Grouping to Resource.

9. Check the Include Audit Trail checkbox.

10. Name and title the report as appropriate (in the Labeling section), then click Generate Report.

11. Be sure to verify that there are no unexpected exclusions.

12. Results show energy (in MWh) by individual fuel type for Mobile Combustion and Stationary Combustion trackers. 

13. Again, before extracting any energy numbers from the summary rows of the report, click the Expand All link just above the report table in the right corner. This will fully expand the table so that you can verify that each tracker has a non-zero value in the energy column. If one or more trackers show a blank or zero in the energy column, then either energy is not being tracked for that resource or the resource tracked by that tracker has no energy impact. This may mean that the resulting total energy number is incomplete.

14. Use the total energy value for each fuel as your answer to Total MWh consumed by the organization (the third column in the table of 7.30.7).

15. To answer the next five columns of the table - which ask you to differentiate how each fuel was used - consider using tags. You could create one tag for each of the columns in this question (Fuel for self-generation of electricity, Fuel for self-generation of heat, Fuel for self-generation of steam, Fuel for self-generation of cooling and Fuel for self-cogeneration or self-trigeneration). Then, rerun the report several times using the steps described above, but in step 3, add an additional tracker filter under the Tags filter box each of your custom tags within the tag group, one at a time. When the report is re-run, only your trackers that track fuel use for the particular selected tag will be included, and the total MWh for this category can be extracted directly from the Scope 5 report.

16. Note that the CDP states in its guidance: "Make sure that you do not enter data for the actual electricity generated from these fuels. This table is for the consumption of the fuels themselves and aims to capture the energy content of the initial fuel used, not the energy content of the electricity generated from these fuels." Following the Scope 5 steps described above will yield the energy content of the fuels used to generate electricity, not the total electricity generated. 


7.30.9 Provide details on the electricity, heat, steam, and cooling your organization has generated and consumed in the reporting year. 

If your organization generates and consumes electricity, heat, steam and/or cooling, we recommend setting up a custom tag group to answer this question (as discussed in our general guidance). Please contact us for assistance.


7.30.14 Provide details on the electricity, heat, steam, and/or cooling amounts that were accounted for at a zero or near-zero emission factor in the market-based Scope 2 figure reported in 7.7.

If your organization generates and consumes electricity, heat, steam and/or cooling that should be accounted for with a low-carbon emission factor, we recommend setting up a custom tag group to answer this question (as discussed in our general guidance). Please contact us for assistance.


7.30.16 Provide a breakdown by country/area of your electricity/heat/steam/cooling consumption in the reporting year.

1. From the top level of the Node Navigator, select Distribution Reports.

2. Click Add a New Report.

3. In the tracker selection pane, choose the appropriate consolidation method under the Control Boundaries filter.

4. In the tracker selection pane:

  • Under the Resource Types filter box, choose Electricity. Make sure to click on Apply Filters.
  • For Columns 2-6, create a tag group for ‘Non-fuel energy consumption’ with tags for Purchased Electricity, Self-Generated Electricity, Purchased heat, steam and cooling, and Self-generated heat, steam and cooling. Ensure each tracker is tagged accordingly. 
  • Under the GHG Scopes tracker filter box, select Scope 1 and Scope 2. Click Apply Filters.

5. Enter the first and last days of the reporting year in the Start Date and End Date fields, respectively.

6. In the Data Columns section, select Energy for the first select box. For the units, select megawatt hour.

7. All other select boxes in the Data Columns section should be set to - none -.

8. In the Display Options section, set Primary Grouping to Country and Secondary Grouping to the Non-fuel energy consumption or Resource Type tag group.

9. Name and title the report as appropriate (in the Labeling Section), then click Generate Report

10. Be sure to verify that there are no unexpected exclusions.


7.45 Describe your gross global combined Scope 1 and 2 emissions for the reporting year in metric tons CO2e per unit currency total revenue and provide any additional intensity metrics that are appropriate to your business operations.

This question asks for normalized results. To use Scope 5 to answer this question, any intensity trackers - such as Total Revenue (as the question asks for), Employee Count, or Facility Area - will need to be configured. View this article, Notes on Setting Up Trackers, or contact us for assistance.

1. From the top level of the Node Navigator, select Periodic Reports.

2. Click Add a New Report.

3. Expand the tracker selection pane. Under the GHG Scopes filter, select Scope 1 and Scope 2:

4. Under Reporting Period, select the current reporting year for End Year and the year prior for Start Year.

5. Under Data Columns, you can choose to report Location-Based, Market-Based or Market-Indicative Scope 2 emissions. Your choice will define the answer to column 5 of this question.

6. Then select CO2e Emissions for the data metric and tonne as the units.

7. Now select the intensity trackers you would like to include. Scroll down to expand the Normalizing Trackers pane (refer to this article for step-by-step advice on normalizing by tracker). Given that for most intensity trackers, activity will be the desired metric, apply the appropriate Activity Group filter(s).

8. Once the normalizing trackers are selected, scroll up to choose the appropriate Intensity Denominator metric and units in the Data Columns pane. Whether the metric is revenues, number of employees, facility area or any other intensity metric that you have been tracking, Activity will likely be the choice for the Intensity Denominator. For details on charting or reporting Activity, refer to this article or contact us for help.

9. Select Tracking Node or Branch Node as the Secondary Grouping (choose a grouping that makes sense based on where intensity data is tracked). Note that Scope cannot be the Primary Grouping or Secondary Grouping for intensity charts that are normalized to metrics without a greenhouse gas scope (square feet, currency, etc). Primary or Secondary Grouping can be any level of the hierarchy or -none-.

10. Click Generate Report.

11. At the bottom of the periodic report, find the Totals for All Records box:


12. Column 1: Intensity figure - Enter the value under the most recent reporting year (the column on the far right) into the Intensity figure column in the table in C6.10.

13. Column 2: Metric numerator (Gross global combined Scope 1 and 2 emissions, metric tons CO2e): Sum answers from questions 6.1 and 6.3. 

14. Column 6: % Change From Previous Year - Enter the percentage listed in the column for the current reporting year (% change from previous year). In the example above, the change is 4.71%.

15. Column 7: Direction of Change - Reference the same percent change. Increases will be marked in red and preceded by a plus sign. Decreases will be marked in green and preceded by a minus sign.

16. Column 4: Metric Denominator: Unit Total - Run a distribution report for the reporting year using your selected intensity tracker(s) as primary trackers. For example, if you normalize by area for your intensity reporting above, run a distribution report to obtain the total area of your organization during the reporting year.Screen_Shot_2021-03-16_at_7.12.48_PM.png

7.52 Provide any additional climate-related metrics relevant to your business.

Scope 5 can be used to define any custom metrics to capture activities that are relevant to your business. For details on defining custom units and custom conversion factors, review this article. For details on calculating annual percent change (for any metrics), refer to 7.10.1. For further help, please contact us.


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