Scope 2 Tracker Setting


This article describes how to set up a new Scope-2 Dual Reporting tracker in order to compare location-based and market-based results per the GHG Protocol's Scope 2 Guidance.

If you are interested in reconfiguring an existing scope 2 tracker for dual reporting, please reach out to your account manager.

To set up a new Scope-2 Dual Reporting tracker, navigate to the facility where you’d like to create the tracker and click the Add Tracker button on the Tracker Listings page.


Then, name your tracker, define the Tracker Type and indicate whether there will be Periodic Recordkeeping and if so the Recording Interval

To make this a Scope-2 dual reporting tracker, check the box for Use dual reporting. Note that standard and follower tracker-types can be configured for dual reporting. Since they do not have resources, source trackers cannot.


Once you have checked the box indicating that you will be using the dual reporting feature, the Resource dialog box will expand, allowing you to select a Location-Based Resource (LB), Market-Based Resource (MB) and a Market-Indicative Resource (MI).


At least two resource categories must be defined for dual reporting trackers, and all dual reporting trackers must have a location based resource. You'll define the tracker's recording units with the location based resource. Scope 5 maintains standard resource libraries containing location-based and market-based resources. Speak to your account manager if you’d like help selecting resources.


For definitions of Location-Based, Market-Based and Market-Indicative resources, refer to this article.

Proceed with configuring the tracker. For details on how to configure a tracker, refer to this article.

Once your tracker is saved, you will be able to see all scope-2  resources attached to the tracker on the Tracker Listings page.



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