New Features Announcement - January 2016


We're feel fortunate to have very engaged users who tell us about their data management challenges and the functionality that they'd like to see added to Scope 5 to address these.

We listen.

Though you may not immediately be aware of each update, we're continually deploying the additional features that you've been asking for. We'll give you a quick overview here of some of the functionality we've deployed recently. Most functionality should be self-explanatory. If you have questions about how to use a specific feature, you may find it described under our knowledge base. However, we often deploy a new feature before we write the knowledge base article. If you need help with a specific feature, you can always ask for it directly via the 'Help' tab on the right margin on any page of the application.

Here's the new functionality:

  • More CSV Downloads We’ve added CSV downloads to tracking notes (such as facilities or fleets) and trackers. 
  • Connected Trackers – By connecting multiple “follower” trackers to one “source” tracker, connected trackers allow you to maintain only one activity ledger for trackers that all share the same activity data. If you would like connected trackers enabled to your account, please contact us.
  • Additional Project Filtering – In response to customer requests, we’ve enhanced project filtering on the main dashboard
  • More Control over Chart Display – We’ve added several new display options:
    • Percentages on the y-axis
    • Show trend charts month-by-month
    • Include or exclude summary graphs
    • Show the summary graph on the trend chart in column format
  • Enhanced Tracker Selection and Normalizing Functionality in Charts and Reports– Now you can select more than one tracker per category in tracker filtering. For example, now you can chart your Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions together through tracker selection. It is now possible to normalize metrics to any set of trackers in column and trend charts. The same functionality is imminent for reports.
  • Updates to Resource Libraries – In response to customer requests, we’ve added the TCR resource library which includes the generally useful activities and emissions factors defined by The Climate Registry (TCR). TCR is a recognized authoritative source of emissions factors for those of you engaged in emissions reporting. Like our WRI library, the TCR library is automatically maintained and always up-to-date. We’ve also published guidance on using our WRI Library and the Mobile Combustion Resources in particular. Stay tuned for similar notes on applying the TCR library. 

Please continue to tell us how you're using Scope 5 and what additional functionality would make your life easier. Enjoy!

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