Scope 5 International Electricity (non IEA) Library


Scope 5’s International Electricity (non IEA) Library includes emission factors published by the GHG Protocol and the Government of Canada.  

As of March 2022, the Library contains a total of 50 resources. In February 2022, these resources were split from IEA sourced emission factors which are now found in the International Electricity (IEA) Library.

To identify the source of a specific set of emissions factors in Scope 5, please refer to the ‘Source’ for the specific conversion factor set, as illustrated in the following example.


Where the Numbers Come From

Regional emission factors - China

The International Electricity (non IEA) Library contains 37 regional emission factors sets for China. These emission factor sets cover the 2006-2008 time period and are sourced from the GHG Protocol’s Emissions Factors from Cross-Sector Tools (April 2014)

Regional emission factors - Canada

The International Electricity (non IEA) Library contains 13 provincial emissions factors for Canada. These emissions factors cover the 2016-2021 time period and are sourced from the Government of Canada’s National Inventory Report: Greenhouse Gas Sources and Sinks in Canada. 


Scope 5’s conversion factors are current through the:

  • GHG Protocol's 2014 release for China
  • Government of Canada’s 2023 release for Canada

We currently do not expect the GHG Protocol to publish more up-to-date emission factors for Chinese regions.

Global Warming Potentials (GWPs)

Scope 5’s International Electricity library uses GWPs from the IPCC's Fifth Assessment Report (AR5).


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