How to Create a Custom Refrigerant Resource


This article will walk through each step of creating a custom resource for a refrigerant gas and configuring a conversion factor set with the appropriate global warming potential. 

How to Create a Custom Refrigerant Resource

From the organization tab, click on the custom library that corresponds with your organization's name:


Find the option to Add custom resource:


The next screen will prompt you to name your custom resource, organize it within your library and specify the activity unit type. Consider the following as an example:


Save your resource. Then find the option to Add a New Conversion Factor Set:


In the Add a Factor dropdown select, locate the particular refrigerant gas you'd like to track. If you don't see the gas you're looking for, please contact us for guidance. 

Screen_Shot_2018-11-08_at_2.17.49_PM.pngAfter you select the factor, you'll have the option to specify:

  • The emissions factor
  • The Global Warming Potential (GWP)
  • The numerator and denominator units

For the emissions factor (the first field for the impact) type 1. This is because the activity data for the refrigerant - the weight of the gas that leaked - is the amount released. That number is multiplied directly by the GWP.

When a factor is added, the GWP will default to AR5 as it is the most current set available. Use the dropdown select to choose a different GWP.

The units can be any, so long as the numerator and denominator units are the same.


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