CDP Guidelines for Scope 2 Emissions


In 2016, CDP introduced the most significant update to the questionnaire since its inception. Reporters are now asked to report Scope 2 emissions according to two methodologies: location-based and market-based.

In the location-based approach, average emission factors from the grids on which companies are physically located are used to quantify emissions. The market-based method calculates emissions from contractually-purchased electricity using factors from the provider, utility or certifier. To use a supplier-specific emission factor in reporting, it must meet the Greenhouse Gas Protocol's stringent quality criteria. For companies without the ability to purchase electricity from alternative providers, one Scope 2 emissions total can be reported using only the location-based approach.

Scope 5 allows seamless dual reporting by automatically converting activity data to both location-based and market-based (as well as market-indicative) emissions, at the click of a button. Click here for more information on Scope 5’s dual reporting methodology. 

Simply navigate to Distribution Reports under Reporting in the side menu. Once there, you can select which methods to report on under Data Columns. 


It’s possible to either choose which emissions method is used in any chart or report, or compare the differences in emissions results from all three methods side-by-side in the same report. This makes it easy to report totals in sustainability reports, as well as quickly visualize the difference between your electricity suppliers.

Scope 5 offers a set of standard market-based emissions factors. We can also provide consulting to find, evaluate and integrate supplier-specific emission factors into your account. If you'd like to discuss in further detail, please contact us using the Help button on the right-hand side of the screen.

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