We've added a bunch of new features to Scope 5 in the past few months. We've listed them below. You'll find articles in our How To section that explain many of the new features. If you'd like further guidance on how to use any of them, feel free to contact us at support@scope5.com.
- Outlier detection - generate alerts when user entered activity or cost data are suspect.
- Data provider user experience - a new streamlined user experience designed specifically for users tasked with maintaining data for a set of trackers.
- User Defined Intensity Metrics - these are accommodated at the facility level via profiling, characteristics and measurements. User defined intensity metrics make it possible to arbitrary normalizing metrics such as widgets produced, heating degree days or any other data of interest.
- User defined impacts - until now, resources could define how Scope 5 converts activity to emissions, energy or cost. Now you can define arbitrary impacts, such as gallons of gasoline equivalent, energy points, etc. You can also use this functionality to define specific subsets of existing impacts (such as emissions due to generating electricity lost in transmission).
- Enhancements to charts and reports, including:
- Charting or reporting user defined impacts.
- User selectable smoothing period for trend charts (previously only 2 month or 12 month were available).
- User selectable start and end year for trend charts.
- Streamlined chart loading.
- Automatic report and chart regeneration when tracker data is modified.
- Forgot password link
- GRI resource library
- Miscellaneous usability, minor feature enhancements