Connecting to ENERGYSTAR Portfolio Manager


Scope 5 offers an automated data transfer service (ADT) to exchange data between your Scope 5 account and Energy Star Portfolio Manager. In this article, we'll describe how to set up Scope 5's ADT service for Portfolio Manager.  

Connect with Portfolio Manager

To get started, you'll need to share your properties with Scope 5 in the Portfolio Manager tool. The first step is to add Scope 5 as a contact.


Search for "Scope 5" and in the list of results, click the "Connect" button. Please submit a support request to let us know you're attempting to connect to us and we'll get to it quickly.

Share Properties

Once we're connected, you can choose which properties you'd like to connect with ADT by sharing them with Scope 5 via the Sharing tab in Portfolio Manager. We'll need to accept the share requests as well, so if you let us know, we'll get them approved quickly. At this point, you can leverage our bulk setup process or you can choose to manually connect individual Portfolio Manager meters to new or existing Scope 5 trackers in your account. Both options are described below.

Bulk Setup

Our bulk service (a.k.a. the shadowing service) is best suited for new Scope 5 accounts or for users adding an entire organization or facility to their existing Scope 5 organization hierarchy.  Upon request, our support staff will initiate the shadowing service. The service will recreate the properties you share from your Portfolio Manager account as tracking nodes or facilities in your Scope 5 account. 

Next, the shadowing service will create and configure Scope 5 trackers corresponding to each of the meters selected at each of the shared properties. 

Finally, the shadowing service will configure the ADT service to run periodically to synchronize data between the selected meters and the trackers that shadow them. 

Meter-by-Meter Setup

The meter-by-meter setup option is best suited for incrementally connecting a small number of new or existing trackers in your Scope 5 account to new or existing meters in your Portfolio Manager account. The meter-by-meter setup is an ideal way to maintain sections of your Scope 5 account that were previously setup using the shadow service. The remainder of this article explains how users can perform their own meter-by-meter setup.

Property IDs

To manually connect a tracker to a Portfolio Manger meter, you'll need the ID of the Portfolio Manager property under which the meter resides. These can be found on the property details page in Portfolio Manager.


Connecting Trackers to Meters

To connect a tracker to a meter, you'll need to edit the tracker in your Scope 5 account. In the tracker's edit page, you will see a tab for ADT as illustrated below.

Select the data source, Portfolio Manager, and enter the Portfolio Manager property ID for the property that has the meter data for this tracker. Click the blue arrow and the meters select box will fill with a list of meters on the property.

What to Expect Once ADT is Configured for a Tracker

Once the tracker's ADT configuration is complete, a job will be scheduled to pull data from Portfolio Manager at regular intervals. It may take up to a few hours for the first data to be pulled into your tracker.

You will be able to see which activity records were added by the ADT process in the activity ledger.



Optionally, you can choose to push data from Scope 5 to your Portfolio Manager meter by checking the box, Push data to Portfolio Manager. This will keep your data synchronized between Scope 5 and this meter in Portfolio Manager. 

In order for Sync to work correctly, the shared property in Portfolio Manager must be set to Exchange Data with Scope 5. See the Portfolio Manager documentation for instructions on how to do this.

Before enabling sync on a tracker, you will want to delete any records within Portfolio Manager that match records in Scope 5. This prevents duplicate data from getting pushed to Portfolio Manager. For this reason, it probably only make sense for you to enable sync for meters you currently own/enter data for in Portfolio Manager.

ADT status

On the tracker listing page, you'll see a new column called ADT with an icon present for trackers that have been setup for ADT. Clicking the icon will take you to the ADT status page and give you a chance to edit the ADT settings. You can also get to the same ADT status page by going through the edit tracker page.


Email Notifications

If you'd like to get email notifications for ADT activity, go into your Account Settings (top right of page) and select ADT Activity along with an email frequency.


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